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The assignment for this project was to take an old paper and use the argument to write a new piece.  My original piece's argument was that men and women are defined differently as heroes. Specifically, I argue that women are usually defined for promoting peace or catching up to men while men are simply defined for their intellect and strength. This was an essay for my English 140 class (my teacher and my peers were the audience) and it involved some research. I wanted my new format to be a children’s feminist book.  The main aspect of my original argument that I want to focus on is the part about some women heroes being defined for “catching up” to male heroes. (My example from my original piece was Amelia Earhart being known as the first woman to fly across the ocean.)  To portray this argument, I switched the gender roles for my characters- this in itself really emphasizes the way women are treated in a male-dominated work place. My story revolves around two partners at a police station- the one a male and the other a female. I had the male being the one sent to do paperwork, while the female looked into bigger cases at the station. This was to show how men and women take on different roles. I think it would be more obvious that this was supposed to be a children's book if it was illustrated and formatted differently.  However, I think that it could still easily be an essay geared toward a younger child.














































After this project, we used this essay and transformed it into a new medium for our remediation project.

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