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Final Project:

Exploring Health Careers



For my final project, I created a website to help students explore health-related careers.  I originally wanted to create a site about science communication, but when I was interviewing people as part of my research, I found that their career paths and areas of study were very interesting.  Also, now that I am graduating, I have been thinking a lot about what I want to do with my future.  One thing I wish the University of Michigan had was a resource explaining different careers I could pursue in the health field.  Since my interviews weren't matching up with what I wanted to say about science communication, I decided to create the resource I always wanted.  I kept the interviews that I had already conducted, but focused on the person's job and how they got there.  I also included advice from other pre-health students, resources for exploring scientific topics, and a university resources tab to find more information about what the university has to offer people interested in health careers.  I am very happy with the outcome, although with more time I would have liked to cater it more to a specific crowd so there could be a more definite place where the website could be distributed.  I have a meeting with the School of Public Health to discuss distributing my website as a resource, but I think it will require further development to contain more of a promotion for the school, as I made it into something more neutral for people interested in medical school as well.  

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